وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي

Research centre in Industrial Technologies -CRTI-

EChahid Mohammed ABASSI

Archived events

The CRTI participation in the first edition of the International Exhibition for Thermal, Electric, and Hybrid Vehicles

The Research center in industriel technologies CRTI participated in the opening of the first edition of the International Exhibition for Thermal, Electric, and Hybrid Vehicles, held at the Mohamed Ben Ahmed Conference Center in Oran, where it showcased some models of technological products developed by the center's researchers and engineers. The exhibition runs from June 24 to June 29, 2024.

CRTI's participation in the opening of the exhibition of research, development, and innovation products at the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences.

On June 2, 2024, the center participated in the inauguration of the exhibition of research, development, and innovation products at the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, where it showcased several prototypes of technological products created by its researchers and engineers.

Signing of a framework agreement between the CRTI and the National Company for Tubes and Flat Products Transformation.

During the International Agriculture, Livestock, and Agro-Industry Exhibition, our center signed a partnership agreement with the National Company for Tubes and Flat Products Transformation "ANABIB," a subsidiary of the metallurgical and steel industries group "IMETAL," focusing on scientific research and technological development.

Participation of the CRTI in the opening of the twenty-second edition of the International Agriculture, Livestock, and Agro-Industry Exhibition.

On May 20, 2024, the center participated in the opening of the twenty-second edition of the International Agriculture, Livestock, and Agro-Industry Exhibition. It took this opportunity to showcase several prototypes of technological products developed by its researchers and engineers in the field of agriculture.

1st Workshop on Electric Vehicle Technology (WEVT'2024), May 7th and 8th, 2024

On May 7, 2024, the activities of the first edition of the workshop on electric vehicle technologies organized by our center began. The workshop was inaugurated in the presence of the Director General of Scientific Research and Technological Development, Professor Mohamed Bouheicha, and the Director of the center, Dr. Riad Badji.

Meeting to Monitor the Accreditation Process of the Center's Laboratories According to ISO 17025 Standards

As part of monitoring the accreditation process of the center's laboratories according to ISO 17025 standards, a coordination meeting was held on May 6, 2024. This meeting, chaired by Dr. Riad Badji, Director of the center, brought together representatives from the Directorate General of Scientific Research and Technological Development and the Algerian Accreditation Body (ALGRAC). The objective of this meeting was to evaluate the progress of the work related to the accreditation of the center's laboratories.

Visit of the Zambian Minister of Education to the CRTI

On April 27, 2024, the Research centre in Industrial Technologies (CRTI) had the honor of welcoming Mr. Douglas Munsaka Syakalima, Minister of Education of the Republic of Zambia. He was accompanied by Mr. Mohamed Bouheicha, Director General of Scientific Research and Technological Development. During this visit, Mr. Riad Badji, Director of the Center, presented an overview of the scientific and technological activities of the CRTI. Following this, the minister and his delegation toured the center's laboratories and workshops, where they discovered the innovative projects and technological models developed by our researchers and engineers.

Signing a cooperation agreement

On April 22, 2024, in the presence of Mr. Djilali Tassalit, who heads the Department of Technological Development and Innovation within the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development, a cooperation agreement focusing on research, development, and innovation was signed. This agreement unites the Industrial Technology Research Center, the Advanced Technology Development Center, the Scientific and Technical Media Research Center, and the Teletlas Brizina TGB group. The objective of this agreement is to enhance various sectors including aerospace industry, drones, electric vehicles, and others.

The Technological Platform for Mechanical Robotics Systems for Intervention and Service organize open days events to celebrate the 16th April.

On the occasion of the celebration of Knowledge Day on April 16, the Technological Platform for Mechanical Robotics Intervention and Service Systems of the Research Center in Industrial Technologies is organizing open days from April 16 to 18, 2024, under the theme "Knowledge Day" for university students.

Patent agreement titled Conception et réalisation d'une machine épierreuse.

To promote the value of our technological projects, the INAPI granted a patent titled "Conception et réalisation d'une machine épierreuse" to a team from the Research center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI).

The CRTI director participation in a meeting at the headquarters of the DGRSDT as part of the national research program plan (PNR4).

The director of the center attended a meeting on April 2, 2024, at the headquarters of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development. The meeting was part of a series of meetings held by intersectoral committees within the framework of the national research program plan (PNR4).

Participation of the Department of External Relations and Valorization of Scientific Research Results in the show Bonjour d'Algérie

On the occasion of International Women's Day, Ms. Ziouche Aicha, head of the Department of External Relations and Valorization of Research Results, was a guest on the show "Bonjour d'Algérie" on March 8, 2024, on Canal Algérie.

Participation de directeur général de CSC Expertise Spa à l'émission "حوار الغاز "

Le directeur général de CSC Expertise Spa, M. Hadj Djilani Lamine, a été invité à participer à l'émission "حوار الغاز" diffusée le 29 février 2024 sur la radio de l'Université de la formation continue.

Participation de directeur général de CSC Expertise Spa à l'émission "حوار الغاز "

Le directeur général de CSC Expertise Spa, M. HADJ DJILANI Lamine, a été l'invité de l'émission "حوار الغاز" diffusée le 29 février 2024 sur la radio de l'Université de la formation continue.

Head of External Relations and Valorization of Scientific Research Results departement participation in the show

On the occasion of International Women's Day, Ms. Ziouche Aicha, head of the Department of External Relations and Valorization of Research Results, was a guest on the show "Bonjour d'Algérie" on March 8, 2024, on Canal Algérie.

Visit of a group of third-year high school students to CRTI

On February 25, 2024, the center welcomed a group of third-year high school students. The visit started with a presentation of the center, followed by a guided tour of some laboratories and workshops. The students had the opportunity to receive explanations from the engineers and researchers of the center about the projects and research activities carried out by CRTI.

Open days on February 28th and 29th, 2024

The Additive Manufacturing Research Unit (URFA) of the CRTI, located in Sétif, plans to organize open days on February 28th and 29th, 2024.

Participation of the CRTI in the national conference of public institutions with a scientific and technological character.

On February 20, 2024, the Research Centre in Industrial Technologies (CRTI) participated in the national conference of public institutions with a scientific and technological character, held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Organization of a study day to discuss the progress of technological development projects.

On January 29, 2024, the center held a seminar to discuss the advancement of technological development projects. Engineers and researchers from the center provided overviews of their projects' progress, with a focus on the following areas:

A cooperation agreement signing between the CRTI and INAPI

As part of the process of valorizing the results of scientific research and technological development within the center, a cooperation agreement was signed the 22th October 2023 between the Director of the CRTI, Dr. Riad BADJI, and the General director of the Algerian Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI), Mr. Abdelhafid BELMAHDI. This agreement will lead to the establishment of a Technology and Innovation Support Center (CATI) within the center. CATI will be responsible for the valorization of technological development activities for the center's researchers and engineers with the protection of their intellectual property. This visit allowed the delegation to discover some of the center's workshops and laboratories as well as the various technological development projects that have been carried out.

Research-company meeting between the research centers and the IRIS company

As part of the "research-company" meetings organized by DGRSDT, the center had the privilege of hosting a delegation on October 23, 2023, comprising the following members: A representative from The Directorate-General for Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT). Representatives from the IRIS group. Researchers representing the following research centers: the Advanced Technology Development Center (CDTA), the SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTER IN PHYSICAL – CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (CRAPC), and the Semiconductor Technology Research Center for Energy (CRTSE). This meeting provided researchers with the opportunity to discuss research and development projects related to the specific needs of the industrial partner.

Participation of Research centre in Industrial technologies at the ALGEST 2023 Industrial Subcontracting exhibition

The Research Centre in Industrial Technologies  participated in the ALGEST 2023 Industrial Subcontracting Exhibition, which was held from the 16th  to 19th October 2023 at SAFEX. The objective of this participation was to present some prototypes of technological products, created by its researchers and engineers.  

Research centre in industrial technologies (CRTI) participation at CHEMEX AFRICA EXPO

During the period from 3rd to 5th of October 2023, the CRTI participated in the last exhibition organized in the fair palace by Ministry of National Defense in cooperation with the Organization for Chemical Weapons Prohibition  

Professor Kamal Badari, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, visit the Research Centre in Industrial Technologies

Professor Kamal Badari, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, made a working visit to the Research Centre in Industrial Technologies – CRTI Chéraga, the 5th September 2023. This visit came as a part of the examination of the progress of technological development projects, their evaluation and their passage from the laboratory level to the level of use in real life conditions. The Minister inspected the various technological prototypes produced at the centre and its different units, in particular: A prototype of a machine for removing stones from agricultural land. An experimental prototype of an electric car. A drone prototype to help with rescue. A prototype of a 4-axis numerically controlled machine intended for use in metal 3D printing. A prototype of a multi-use digitally controlled milling machine. A prototype of a magnetic separator intended for mining processing. The minister concluded his visit by providing a set of directives to the executives and researchers of the Centre and its different units

The CRTI participation in the Research Products Fair at the Sidi Abdellah’s Science and Technology University

On the occasion of the 61st Anniversary of Independence and Youth. The CRTI took part in the Research Products Fair held at the Sidi Abdellah’s Science and Technology University Pole on July 05th, 2023. The Centre’s Researchers exhibited a number of prototypes of the latest technological products produced at the CRTI.

Agreement signing between Mine and Metallurgy Research Unit URMM/CRTI and the Industrial Mechanics Laboratory ( LMI/UBMA)

As part of the cooperation between Mine and Metallurgy Research Unit URMM/CRTI and the Industrial Mechanics Laboratory of the Badji Mokhtar University (LMI/UBMA), a framework agreement was signed on June 26th, 2023 by the Director of URMM/CRTI, Dr. Khouloud. Bedoud and the Director of LMI, Pr. LAOUAR Lakhdar. This agreement will strengthen collaboration and partnership between the two structures in various scientific and technological fields.

A coordination meeting

On May 04th, 2023 A coordination meeting was held between the CRTI and Semiconductor Technology Research Centre . The meeting was devoted to cooperate and coordinate in the field of technological development.

National week on educational orientation

The CRTI participated in the National week on educational orientation at the Culture Palace from May 02nd, to May 04th, 2023. The centre exhibited a number of technological products prototypes created by its researchers and engineers. It is worth the mention that the CRTI stand was pleased to welcome a ministerial delegation comprising Minister of National Education, Minister of Culture as well as Minister of Vocational Training and Education.

Journée d’étude« Drones : applications et perspectives »

Le centre a participé le 13/04/2023, à une journée d’étude intitulée « Drones : applications et perspectives », dont l’ouverture a été faite par le ministre de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique KAMEL Baddari et le ministre de l’économie de la connaissance, des start-up et des micros-entreprises, Yacine El Mahdi Oualid. La plateforme technologique du centre a exposé ses dernières réalisations concernant les drones.

Visit of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to the CRTI technological platform "Intelligent Embedded Systems"

On April 3rd, 2023, Mr. Kamel Baddari, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, accompanied by Yacine El Mahdi Oualid, Minister of Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises, inaugurated the centre's " Intelligent Embedded Systems " technological platform, as well as the CRTI' Innov project incubator. The visit enabled the ministers to learn more about the projects developed by the platform, in particular those involving UAVs, and to discover the projects supported by the incubator.

FONDAL Delegation visiting the centre

As part of the reinforcement between the Higher Education and Scientific Research sector and the Industrial sector, the CRTI received a delegation from the Algerian national foundry company (FONDAL) on March 20th, 2023. The visit enabled the two parties to discuss areas of collaboration and research and development projects related to FONDAL's needs. The delegation visited the centre's laboratories and workshops, and were briefed on the various projects carried out by the CRTI’s engineers and researchers.

Visit of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to the CRTI technological platform “mechanical robotics intervention and services

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Kamel Baddari, Minister of Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-Enterprises, Mr. Yacine El Mahdi Oualid, and Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Mr. Karim Bibi-Triki, inaugurated the mechanical robotic intervention and services system technological platform on Thursday, March 09th, 2023.

Cooperation between the scientific research sector and the industrial sector

As part of the cooperation between the scientific research sector and the industrial sector, a working meeting was held on February 23rd, 2023 at the CRTI headquarters. This meeting was attended by the Centre's Director, URMM representatives as well as some representatives of FERROVIAL, CITAL and FERAAL. The aim of this meeting was to develop technological products for the Algerian rail industry.

workshop on the role of support and labeling structures in promoting innovative products

On January 18th, 2023, the CRTI and its subsidiary took part in a workshop on the role of support and labeling structures in promoting innovative products developed by research centers, organized by the General Directorate for Scientific Research and Technological Development, at the CDER solar equipment development unit.

Recherche-Industry Meeting

As part of the "research-industry" meetings organized by the DGRSDT, the CRTI was pleased to welcome on January 5th, 2023 a delegation comprising : The Director General of Scientific Research and Technological Development, President of the CACI and head of "SARL SYNKLOR" company as well as researchers representing the CDTA and CRAPC research centres.  This meeting enabled the researchers to discuss R&D projects with the industrial partner in relation to the latter's needs.

Research-industry cooperation

As part of its policy of opening up to the industrial sector, on November 22nd, 2022, the CRTI welcomed a delegation from FERAAL company. The meeting provided an opportunity to sign a framework agreement for scientific and technological collaboration between the two parties, and to set up joint research projects.

Patent: Mini traction machine of 20 KN

As part of the development of our technological projects, a patent entitled "Mini traction machine of 20 KN", was issued by INAPI, to one of the teams of the industrial technology research center CRTI.

Installation of the coordination council of the common service "technological platform on intelligent embedded systems"

An installation meeting of the coordination council of the common service "technological platform on intelligent embedded systems" - Bou-ismail-, was held on 10/17/2022 at the CTRI .

Study day on technological development projects progress

As part of the update on technological development projects progress, a workshop was organized on July 25th and 26th, 2022 at Additive Manufacturing Research Unit - Setif. This meeting allowed to discuss the progress of the various technological projects related to: - Control commands. - Additive manufacturing. - Mechanical design.  

Announcement of the 1st call for projects of the National Research Programs results and launch of the 2nd call for new project proposals

On Tuesday, March 01st, 2022, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Abdelbaki Ben Zian, supervised the ceremony of proclamation of the results of the 1st call for projects of National Research programs, at the headquarter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of several Ministers and representatives of the economic and social sector. During this ceremony, a partnership and cooperation agreement was signed between the research centre in industrial technologies CRTI  and the Thematic Agency for Research in Health Sciences. This agreement aims to monitor national research projects proposed by the Centre researchers, which relates to the design and construction of floating cages for aquaculture.

Visit of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Tunisia to the Centre

On December 29th, 2021, the CRTI hosted M.Moncef Boukather, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia, and his accompanying delegation, within the framework of the 18th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Arab World. This visit was an opportunity to introduce the centre research valuation structures and its various fields of scientific specialization, as well as a chance to visit the research laboratories where the various scientific and technological activities carried out and introduced. It should be noted that this visit comes within which aims to exchange knowledge and expertise at the Arab world in the field of higher education and scientific research and to develop its educational policies, curricula as well as its research programs.

Visit of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Iraq to the Center

On December 26th, 2021, the Centre hosted the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Iraq. This visit enabled the Minister and his delegation to learn about the various scientific and technological activities of the Centre. This visit was also an opportunity to exchange expertise and knowledge on different scientific fields. Note that this visit takes place on the sidelines of the 18th Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Arab World, which will be held in Algeria from December 26 to 28, 2021.

visit of Minister of Higher Education and scientific research of Qatar to the centre

On the sidelines of the Eighteenth Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Arab World, held in Algeria from 26th to 28th December, 2021, the Centre hosted on December 27th, 2021, Professor Bouthaina Al Nouaimi, Minister of Higher Education and scientific research of Qatar.  This visit was an opportunity to get acquainted with the various research programs and technological development activities carried out by the centre researchers and engineers.

The Centre participation in the 29th edition of the Algerian Production exhibition

The Center is participating in the 29th edition of the Algerian production exhibition, from the 13th to the 25th of December, 2021. During its participation, the centre researchers and engineers will be displaying a presentation on projects implemented at the Centre, mainly: - AMEL3-300, Fixed Wing drone - AMEL-HY-200, Vertical Take-off and Landing drone - AMEL 4-1700 Drone Multi-engine - Drone for Agriculture Precision Use AFAQ1 - Automatic dispenser for multi-use hand sanitizer in the framework of collective protection for individuals from the Corona epidemic - Multi Head 3D Printing Machine - Mechanical tensile testing machine - A portable artificial respirator in the context of enhancing the capabilities and devices available to reduce the effects of the Corona pandemic as well as the increasing demand for the latter.

The signing of the framework agreement for scientific collaboration between the CRTI and the Central Research and Development Department DC-RD of SONATRACH

Following the signing of the framework agreement for scientific collaboration between the CRTI and the Central Research and Development Department DC-RD of SONATRACH, a working meeting was held at the CRTI headquarter – Cheraga, in the presence of directors and executives of the two institutions. This meeting made allowed to establish a draft for Research - Development projects, in particular in: - Advanced welding techniques. - Non-destructive testing. - Corrosion. It was also agreed to put the technical resources of the two parties at the service of mixed research teams to make these projects successful.

Signing of cooperation agreements between the scientific research sector and SONATRACH

An agreement has been signed between the Centre and SONATRACH in the light of the workshop organized by this latter on October 12th and 13th,2021 in Oran. The aim of this agreement was to Strengthen the partnership between the two sides in the field of applied scientific research.

Signature of program contracts for laboratories of excellence

The signature ceremony for program contracts for laboratories of excellence has been held on October 9th, 2021, in Oran in the presence of Mister the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its General Secretary. It worths to mention that the LEC of Constantine is affiliated to the CRTI.

Signature of a framework agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the CRTI and the National Company FERROVIAL

As part of a cooperation between the CRTI and the national company FERROVIAL, a framework agreement was signed between the Director of the Centre Mr. Riad Badji and the Director of the Company Mr. Lamri Bouyoucef, on September 08th, 2021. The purpose of this convention was to produce prototype machines designed by CRTI researchers and engineers, on the industrial scale, in the premises of the FERROVIAL Company.

Research-Industry cooperation

On September 9th, 2021, at the railway headquarters in Annaba, several technological products were presented to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Transport. The nacelle crane designed by the engineers of the CRTI and manufactured at FERROVIAL Company.

A Working visit to the engine production company in Constantine

A team of CRTI researchers paid a working visit to the Constantine engine production company on April 5th, 2021. This visit allowed the CRTI delegation to have a detailed idea of the activities of this company and to draw up, with its managers, an action plan in the field of technological development. This visit was part of the agreement between the DGRSDT and the GACU group.

1st coordination meeting between the CRTI and the LEC-Constantine1

Under the sponsorship of the DGRSDT and as part of the partnership between the EPST and the laboratories of excellence, the 1st coordination meeting between the CRTI and the electrical engineering laboratory (LEC) of the university Constantine 1, took place on March 24th, 2021 in Sétif unit (UDCMA).

Signature of the agreement between the CRTI and the National Forest Research Institute (INRF)

As part of the cooperation between the CRTI and the INRF, a framework agreement was signed between the director of the center Mr. Badji Riad and the director of the Institute Mr. Sbabji, on March 10th, 2021. This agreement will strengthen scientific collaboration between the two institutions in different scientific and technical fields.

New directors for URASM and URMA

The general director of the CRTI, Dr. Badji Riad, proceeded on February 21st, 2021 to the installation of Mr. Attoui Issam as the new director of Urma-Annaba, in replacement of Mr. Meradi Hazem, and Mr. Zoheir MENTOURI as the new director of URASM-Annaba, replacing Mr. CHOUCHANE Toufik. Dr Riad Badji expressed his warmest congratulations to the new directors, wishing them success in their new missions.

A qualifying training on laboratory accreditation according to “ISO 17025” standard

During the period going from January 25th to January 27th, 2021, a qualifying raining took place at the headquarter of the CRTI, on laboratory accreditation according to ISO 17025 standard, for the engineers.

The training program was on the quality management system in analysis and calibration laboratories, according to the requirements of international specifications “ISO 17025”. Indeed, this training aimed at sharpening the practical skills of participants and allowing laboratories to prove their abilities in the reliability of the results leading to promote trustworthiness in laboratories.

Field exploration with a view to carrying out a project on floating cages

In order to carry out a project for a floating cage dedicated to fish aquaculture, a team of researchers and engineers from the CRTI carried out a field trip to the port of Beni-Haoua on January 19th, 2021. This mission allowed the team to see the operating conditions of this type of cage up close. It worths mentioning that this project received funding from the DGRSDT and support from Ministry of Fisheries.

Scientific and Technological collaboration agreement signature between the CRTI and Condor group

As part of the opening up of the CRTI to the industrial sector, a scientific and technological collaboration agreement has been signed by the CRTI and its partner “Condor group”. The objective of this framework agreement is to set up technological projects of high value for the national economy in the near future.

Research-industry cooperation

As part of the CRTI's strategy aiming at bringing the industrial sector closer, a delegation from the MOUSSAOUI group paid a working visit on October 22nd, 2020 to the headquarters of the centre CRTI-Cheraga.

This visit allowed the delegation to see –closely- the various machines prototypes produced by researchers and engineers of the centre.

During this visit, the two institutions Directors discussed the possibilities of carrying out various joint projects -particularly- in the fields of welding, robotics, electronics and additive manufacturing, thus, a framework cooperation agreement will be signed in the coming days.

Visit of the CEO of FERAAL to the CRTI

The CEO of FERAAL group and his advisor made a working visit to the CRTI on October 19th, 2020. The objective of this visit was to curry on with the scientific and technological collaboration already built with the CRTI on research and development projects related to the processing of the ore of Gara Djebilet. Meanwhile, a framework cooperation agreement is getting prepared for the soon future.

Technological development projects valorization

A working meeting was held on October 18th, 2020 at the centre's headquarters-Cheraga- in the presence of representatives of the steel-metallurgy research unit and the General Manager of the CSC Expertise spa subsidiary.

The objective of this meeting was to bridge the gap between partnership projects with the industrial sector, in particular the Ore processing and the production of forged balls.

Working visit to the INRAA experimental station

As part of the collaboration signed between the CRTI and INRAA, a delegation from the CRTI paid a working visit to the INRAA experimental station located in Baraki on October 13th, 2020.

This meeting allowed to visit the facilities of this structure and to define a certain number of joint research and development projects –particularly- with regard to the processing of images acquired by air.

Work meeting between the CRTI and the thematic health sciences research agency

As part of the framework collaboration agreement signed between the CRTI and the thematic health sciences research agency, a working meeting was held on September 11th, 2020 at the CRTI. The objective of this meeting is to set up technological projects with high added value with applications in the field of health science. In his speech, the Director of CRTI, Dr Riad BADJI underlined the importance of this collaboration and specified that the CRTI is open to any form of cooperation with the agency. For his part, Professor Nabil AOUFENE, Director of the agency, led a conference on the applications of new technologies, in particular robotics, in the health sector. This meeting ended with the establishment of a number of technological cooperation projects between the two institutions.


Valorization of the CRTI research products

A coordination meeting was held on September 7th, 2020 at the CRTI in the presence of the socio-economic partners from FEROVIAL ALMITECH. The objective of this meeting was to move on to the valorization of some products developed by CRTI researchers

Working meeting at Bousmail’s platform

On October 1st,2020, a working meeting was held between engineers and researchers from Bousmail’s Technological Platform in the presence of Mister Riad Badji, Director of the CRTI. This meeting took place to focus on the technical files of the Drones that will be used in Forestry and Agriculture Filed.

Industry research cooperation

On September 29th, 2020, the CRTI Director accompanied by its deputy and the president of the scientific council, paid a working visit, to the headquarters of the Ferrovial company located in Annaba. This meeting gave an update on the technological projects in progress, in particular that of the NACELLE crane. Also, this visit enabled the launch of new partnership projects, concerning the design and production of a machine dedicated to agricultural applications and the manufacture of steel balls.

Another step towards the intersectorialization of research activity

As part of intersectoral cooperation in Scientific Research and Technological Development, a framework agreement aimed at creating a consortium of research entities was signed on September 22nd, 2020 at the CNRDPA headquarters. This agreement was signed by the CRTI director as well as the director of each of CDTA, CDER and CNRDPA. The main objective of this consortium was the development of a new technology in the field of aquaculture.

Workshop on the use of drones in a forest environment

A coordination meeting was held at the headquarters of the National Forestry Research Institute in Bainem on September 16th, 2020. This meeting focused on the possibilities of using drones which were manufactured at CRTI in the detection and fight against forest fires. This last was held in the presence of:

  • The CRTI Director and some of the centre’s executives.
  • The General Director of forests.
  • National representative for major risks at the Ministry of Interior.
  • Representatives of Civil Protection.
  • Representatives of the INRF.

Drone Applications Information Day

On September 6th, 2020, the CRTI run a working about the use of drones in the prevention and fight against forest fires.This meeting took place in the presence of the director and executives of the centre, representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, local communities and regional planning as well as the General Directorate of Forests and Civil Protection. As a matter of fact, this meeting allowed visitors to get a global idea of the centre's experience in manufacturing drones and their uses in various applications.The delegation, then, visited the National Forest Research Institute where videos of the forests surrounding the institute were taken.

A special issue of "University of Continuing training " TV program

On July 13th, 2020, the CRTI took part at the "University of Continuing training " TV program. This time the program issue was special as it took place at the CRTI headquarter where several topics were covered concerning the scientific achievements of the centre and its units, particularly in the light of the fight against the Corona pandemic.

Signing a partnership and cooperation agreements at the University of Boumerdes

On July 04th, 2020, partnership and cooperation agreements were signed between the University of Boumerdes, the CRTI, Sonatrach complex and the department of agricultural services of the wilaya, under the aegis of Mister the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Pr. Abdelbaki Benziane. The agreements came in order to allow the exchange of scientific experiences between the different parties, the enhancement of skills and the support of intern and graduate students through internships and trainings.

The Centre’s board of directors

The CRTI’s board of directors was held on July 2nd, 2020, in the presence of representatives of ministerial sectors, economic institutions and the Centre’s officials. The director of the centre, Dr. Riad Badji, made a presentation about the scientific and administrative activities of the centre, pointing out the role of researchers in the valorization of research as well as the program established for the various projects in progress. The council ended with an open debate, focusing on strengthening the role of the centre in both the economic and social sectors.

Scientific research and inter-sector technological development promotion

On June 23rd, 2020, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the National Institute for Agronomic Research in the presence of representatives of each of the CRTI, the Renewable Energies Development Center and the NIAR. A particular attention was given to the use of drones developed by the CRTI technology platform in the control of agricultural areas whereas the objective behind this latter was to set up innovative technological projects for agricultural applications. It’s worth mentioning that a draft framework agreement was also revised for future collaboration between the three institutions.

Partnership agreement between the Thematic Agency for Health Sciences Research and the CRTI

As part of a scientific and technological collaboration between the CRTI and the Thematic Agency for Health Science Research, a partnership agreement was signed to promote the role of new technologies in the field of health on June 22sd, 2020, mainly:

- Innovative technologies in health;

- Health robotics;

- Artificial intelligence in health.

General Assembly of the CRTI subsidiary CSC Expertise-Spa

On May 14th, 2020, the general assembly of the CRTI subsidiary CSC Expertise-Spa was held at cheraga’s headquarter. Mister Riad Badji, the Director of the centre, conducted the meeting where the previous subsidiary activities were discussed and some other future strategies were developed in relation to the current developments in the country.

Visit of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and that of Industry and Mines to the CRTI

On April 6th, 2020, Mister the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and that of the Industry and Mines Ministry paid a visit to the CRTI and the Centre for the Development of Advanced Technologies where the CRTI technological achievements concerning the fight against the coronavirus were presented. According to the two ministers it is of a major importance to put into realization the output of this kind of contributions as it will serve to prevent against this pandemic.

The crane prototype’s transference from the CRTI to be manufactured on the industrial scale

The crane prototype, designed and produced by CRTI researchers and engineers, was transferred to a national company in order to manufacture a model on an industrial scale. The national production of this type of machine will allow to meet the growing needs of the national industrial sector, in particular the construction industry. This latter represents an important step in the promotion of the results of the technological development of the centre.

Production of preventive equipments against the Coronavirus by the CRTI

To respond to the shortage of sanitary masks, the Advanced Materials Research Unit produced protective masks which were delivered to both hospitals and some pharmacies of Annaba as well as to that of Batna and Setif. The technological platform of Oran also produced 4500 visor masks intended for hospitals, 65 diving masks as well as printed adapters for the benefit of resuscitation services on the national territory.

International Pluridisciplinary PhD Meeting IPPM’20 1st Edtion, February 23-26, 2020

EHL University –El-Oued (Algeria) under the supervision of the DGRSDT direction and in collaboration with the CRTI centre organized the International Pluridisciplinary PhD Meeting (IPPM’20) from 23 to 26 February. The event was about new emerging technologies and learning how to embrace and use them in daily life.

Therefore, the IPPM’20 provided an opportunity for PhD students, researchers, academics and industry professionals, to participate and present their work on modern technology and its applications in life.

The topics have been included were mentioned below:

  • Smart cities, IOT and Machine Learning;
  • Synthesis, characterization, application, and challenges of new materials;
  • Fixed point theory and its applications;
  • Investing Modern Technology in Renewing Knowledge Discourse in Languages and Literature;
  • 5G of mobiles Networks: Challenges and requirements;
  • Digital Economy and Quality of Life;
  • Biotechnology and Sustainable Development ;
  • Activate the outputs of higher education using modern technology to improve the quality of life of the society;
  • Renewable Energy: Optimization and Simulation tools;
  • Modern technology in the service of law and political Science;
  • Investing modern technology from an islamic perspective ;
  • Electrical Engineering Applications: Multi-phase Machines and Recent Converter Topologies.

The CRTI new Director: The Ceremony appointment of Mister Riad Badji

On September 9th, 2019 Mister Riad Badji got appointed as Director of the CRTI succeeding the former Director Mister Mostepha Yahi, who is currently the Dean of Boumerdes University.
The General Director for Scientific Research and Technological Development, Mister Hafid Aouragh, the heads of research units and structures and some of the staff members attended the appointment ceremony where Mister Riad Badji made a brief speech. This latter wasabout seeking advance in scientific researches and expand research capabilities in the field of technological industries as well as supporting technological innovations and developingsustainable relationships with industrial companies to enhance the link between research and innovation results and its embodiment on the ground.

The visit of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Professor Ettayeb Bouzid to the CRTI

Mister Ettayeb Bouzid, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research,paid a working visitwith Mister the Wali of Tipaza to the Technological plateform for Aeronautics and CSC Expertise (Tipaza),on September 17th, 2019. The visit included an inspection to the workshops and laboratories of the platform as well asthat of the CSC Expertise where they asserted the two institutions’ prominent role in the Economic sector and their distinction in the field of non-destructive testing where modern techniques (such as wave testing technology) were being used.
Later that day, the Minister visited the Centre’s headquarters, the Research Centrein Industrial Technologies (CRTI Cheraga - Algiers), accompanied by the Official Spokesman of the Government, Mister Hassan Rabhi who is also the Minister of communication. Theyfocused their attention on the paramount importance of the relationship between communication and the socio-economic sector. They alsoemphasizedthe efforts made in creating the appropriate conditions for the emergence of a diverse scientific and technological base that allows the advancementand the accompaniment of the economic and social sector in achieving comprehensive development, referring in this regard to the CRTI as a successful model that has achieved satisfactory results which requires support in order to help its researchers to expand their scientific activities.
After that, the Minister appreciated the level and number of scientific publications produced by the Centre’s researchers and acknowledged the multiplicity of their scientific achievements, especially those related to models of scientific and industrial equipments directed to various sectors namely: higher education and industry. He also revealed his satisfaction towards the Centre’s experience in completing and producing different models of drones and the developed services that were performs in monitoring industrial facilities, especially in the field of Hydrocarbons.
As far as Mister Rabhi is concerned, he stressed in his speech on the determination of national competencies to support the journey of construction and progress to advance the future of the country and clarified that the government will undertake the issuance of some covenants and laws that will stimulate national competencies, inside and outside the country, in order to harness all its energies in the interest of the national development.

A honoring ceremony for successful children of CRTI employees

The Centre’s Social Affairs Committee in collaboration with the Centre’s directorate, under the auspices of ISSER DELICES and GENOYER Company, organized an honoring ceremony for successful children of the CRTI employees, on July 25th, 2019.
This ceremony was attended by the General Director of the CRTI who delivered an encouragement speech for those pupils and the committee representatives who deliver symbolic presents for the children in addition to the parents who took place on this happy occasion to encourage and congratulate their children.

International seminar on Technologies and Sustainable Industrial Development

A group of researchers and experts from the CRTI, in coordination with HAMMA LAKHDAR University- ELOUED, organized a seminar on technologies and sustainable industrial development on February 24th, 25th and 26th, 2019.
During this event, the head of the seminar discussed the most important axes programmed later that day.After that, adisplayed workshop for scientific and technological products was organized by experts of the CRTI where students from different universities had attended.

The General Secretary of Arab Universities Federation visit to the CRTI

On February 12th, 2019, the CRTI received each of Professor Amr AzzaSalama, General Secretary of Arab Universities Federation, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Republic of Egypt and all of his assistant professors, Abd al-Rahim al-Huneiti and Hamidi Khamisi, in addition to the President of the Regional Seminar for the Universities of the Center region of Algeria.
During this visit, which was for the various structures of the CRTI, the delegation touched on the axis of exchange and cooperation between the two countries in general and post-graduate studies in particular, where an important area of discussion was given to training in the doctoral phase. In this regard, the Centre’s Director Mister Mostepha Yahi, indicated the possibility of receiving foreign students from various Arab universities, noting that the Centre is seeking to conclude agreements with its economic and social partners to ensure training opportunities for the benefit of its researchers.

Visit of Higher School of Aviation Technologies students

The Research Centre in Industrial Technologies opened its doors for organized visits to students of various universities and high schools in order to provide a source of expertise as well as a chance to boost their knowledge in various scientific and technological fields. In this context, the Centre’s Director, Mister Mostepha Yahi, received on February 2nd, 2019 a group of students from the Higher School of Aviation Technologies (Dar el Bida, Algiers) where they paid a visit to the different structures and laboratories of the centre to learn more about the various works and researches being done. This visit was an opportunity for students that opened their minds and spirits for another era of thinking.

Signing a scientific cooperation agreement between the Research Centre in Industrial Technologies and the University of Constantine

A scientific cooperation agreement had been signed by the Centre’s representative Mister Yahi Mostepha and the University of Constantine Rector Mister Abdel Hamid Djakron with the presence of Mister the General Director of Scientific Research and Technological Development Mister Hafid Aouragh, on January 16th, 2019.
This agreement aims at promoting scientific research between the two institutionsand supporting the importance of providing scientific developments. It also provided an opportunity to contribute to researches that revolve around the scientific community, as well as the various innovations in the research field.

Workshop : "COMSOL Multiphysics software", 10th of Novembre 2019

The Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI organized on 10th of November 2019, a workshop on COMSOL multiphysics 5.4 software. Dr. Hakem El Ayssaoui made a presentation on the features and applications of this software with a demonstration of its environment and some practical examples. This workshop was a real opportunity to explore the modeling and simulation capabilities of COMSOL multiphysics 5.4 software, more particularly in the fields of structural mechanics and corrosion.

Sittings on mine research and metallurgy

The Research Centre in Industrial Technologies (CRTI) organized sittings onResearch in Mineand Mineralsat the URMA headquarter (Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University Campus) on 29th– 30thJanuary, 2020.
Mister SahraouiTahar, StudiesDirector at the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT)opened the sitting through which MisterBadjiRiad, the CRTI Director, gave a speech about the scientific production of each of URASM and URMA, in addition to his reference to the general budgets of the departments, in particular, the case of FNR consumption by the research teams, in order to establish a Center of excellence in the field of Mines andMinerals.
These sittings were an opportunity which allowed to discuss the state and the strategy of URMA and URASM by 2030. For that purpose, this event was organized as follows:

  • First Workshop:ferritic and non-ferritic alloys.
  • Second Workshop: Composites and Ceramics.
  • Third Workshop: Manufacturing Processes and Control.
  • Fourth Workshop: Technological Development and Services.

Coopération Recherche-Industrie

Dans le cadre de la stratégie de la direction générale de la recherche scientifique et du développement technologique visant à promouvoir le coopération recherche-industrie, une réunion s’est tenue le 05 février 2020 au siège de la direction général du groupe IMETAL en présence du Directeur et les chercheurs du CRTI, des cadres de la direction générale de la recherche scientifique et du développement technologique, du PDG de GACU et des Cadres de IMETAL, ENCC, BATIMETAL. Cette réunion a permis de faire le point sur des modèles de prototype de machine industrielle et de tracer les grands axes de coopération scientifique et technologique dans les domaines de la sidérurgie et la métallurgie.

An agreement signing between the crti and the national agency for researchand technological development results evaluation (anvredet)

As part of the cooperation between the CRTI and the ANVREDET, an agreement was signed by the Centre’s Director Mister Riad Badji and the Agency Director Madam Damush Munsi Ndajwa,on January 20th, 2020, in order to promote, enhance and communicate research results to the economic world.
This event synchronized the launch of a training on “Innovation” by the same Agency for the benefit of the center’s engineers.

Call for papers

Call for papers for the 8th edition of the seminar on “Defense Systems: Architectures and Technologies DAT'2020”. More information on: www.icdat2020.dz


After the accreditation of the Mechanical Testing and Chemical Analysis Laboratories and the CSC Expertise Spa Subsidiary on the two reference standards ISO CEI 10720 and ISO CEI 17025, Calibration and Verification Laboratory NDT has just received the notification of ISO IEC 17025 accreditation on the characterization and verification of ultrasonic testing equipment. The award of this recognition of competence thus crowns the efforts of all CRTI staff to a well-deserved success.

Working visit to the Direction of the Air Unit of the National Security (DUASN / DGSN) - Dar El Beïda, Algiers

A delegation from the Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI), chaired by Dr. Mostepha YAHI, the Director of the center, made a working visit to the Direction of National Security Air Units on January 29th, 2018.
During this meeting, the DUASN Director presented to the CRTI managers the different structures of his unit as well as their knowledge and expertise in the field of aeronautics at the service of the national security.
This meeting allowed a close look at the different skills and techniques mastered in terms of aeronautical maintenance as well as computer and cartographic development projects.
This visit ended with the drafting of a collaboration agreement to be signed between the two parties in the near future.

Celebration of the International Women's Day at the Research Center in Industrial Technology CRTI

On the occasion of March 8th, the International Women's Right Day, the center's Direction organized a meeting on March 7 with the women practicing in the center with the presence of the responsibles of its different structures. In a brief speech, the center's director, Dr Yahi Mostepha, wished a good feast to all Algerian women including those working in the CRTI and he seized this exceptional day to congratulate all the women workers for their contribution to the development of the center. This gathering was followed by a small brunch.

Signature : Convention-cadre

En présence de Monsieur le Directeur Général de la Direction générale de la Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique DGRSDT, le professeur Hafid Aourag,
En présence de Monsieur le Directeur Général du Centre de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles -CRTI-, le Docteur Mostepha Yahi,
Et en présence de Monsieur le recteur de l’université Constantine 1, le Professeur Abdelhamid Djekroune,
Une convention-cadre a été signée entre le CRTI et l’Université Constantine 1.
Cette convention renforcera la collaboration scientifique, dans différents domaines, entre le CRTI et l’Université.
En marge de cette signature, Monsieur Mostepha Yahi a fait une présentation où il a décrit les activités scientifiques principales du centre ainsi que ses prestations

the CRTI’s participation at the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Technologies

The CRTI, represented by its General Director Professor MostephaYahi, is participating in the Ministerial Conference on "Nuclear Science and Technology and their Role in the Development of Countries" organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna from 27 to 30 November 2018.This important gathering of researchers, experts and officials from different countries, will discuss innovations in the field of nuclear technologies dedicated to peaceful applications. This event will also permit to reveal the role of the IAEA in supporting member states to implement thesetechnologies.

Début des travaux de la conférence IC-WNDT-MI’18

Les travaux de la 6ème conférence internationale IC-WNDT-MI’18 ont débuté ce matin le 07 Novembre 2018, à 09 :00 à l’université 20 Aout 1955 en présence de plus de 100 enseignants, chercheurs, doctorants et industriels. Après l’ouverture officielle de la conférence, plusieurs conférences plénières ont été présentées par d’éminents professeurs et experts.
Les travaux des sessions orales et posters ont eu lieu par thème en début d’après-midi.


The CRTI represented by its director Pr. Yahi Mostepha is participating by a high level delegation chaired by Mister the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research« Pr.Tahar Hadjar » who is representing Algeria in the 15th edition of “Science And Technology In Society” forum which is taking place in Kyoto, Japan from October 07th to October 09th, 2018.
This event is an annual meeting with an unprofitable goal, used to be organized in Japan since 2004, with the participation of many experts and world’s leaders in the fields of Science and Technology, Economy and Politics as well as Businessmen in order to find solutions to the technological and environmental problems and difficulties facing the world. By time, this forum has transformed from an annual meeting into a global movement aiming to find humanitarian solutions to build a better future for the nations.

ERASMUS+, CRTI in the “Meeting Management”

Within the framework of the European Union (EU) program; Erasmus + and the CRTI participate, as members of the ANLMed project (Algerian National Laboratory forMaintenance Education), in the "Management Meeting" at the University Bordj Badji Mokhtar, Annaba on September 19th and 20th, 2018.


As part of the promotion of knowledge in this holy month “Ramadan”, the grouping of research centers “CRTI, CERIST, CDTA, CREAD, CDER, CRAPC, CRTSE”, organize "The Tea of Knowledge" which aregeneral public debate conferences around a cup of tea, at the Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI), located in Cheraga opposite to the “El Quds” shopping center. The public is cordially invited.
Program of the period from May 27th to May 31st, 2018:

Program of the period from June 3rd to June 7th, 2018: the du savoir

Dr.Hayat Sindi, Senior Advisor for Sciences and the Technology at the Islamic Development Bank visiting the CRTI

Dr. Hayat Sindi, Senior Adviser for Sciences and the Technology at the Islamic Development Bank, accompanied by animportant delegation of the bank made a working visit to the Research Center in Industrial Technologies, CRTI, on Wednesday, March 28, 2018. This delegation was received by Mister the Director General of the Center, Dr. Mostepha YAHI, then she visited some laboratories and research workshops of the center.

Welcome of the National Erasmus + Office, Algeria

The Research Center in Industrial Technologies welcomes the National Erasmus + Office (NEO)– Algeria at its seat on Dély-Ibrahim road, Chéraga 16014, Algiers for the period 2018 – 2020,Dr. Mostepha YAHI, General Director of the center is the legal representative of this office.


The CRTI was invited to participate in the workshop entitled "The Role of Science and Technology in Industrial Development" by the Arab Organization for Industrial Development and Mines, from 17 to 22 December 2017 in Amman, Jordan.
Dr. Amirouche HAMMOUDA had represented the center and gave a lecture entitled "Experience of the Research Center in Industrial Technologies in the realization of research projects oriented towards industrial development".

Le CRTI accueille le NEO Algérie

Le Centre de Recherche en Technologies Industrielles (CRTI) accueille le Bureau National Erasmus+ (NEO) – Algérie pour la période 2018-2020.
Adresse : Route de Dély-Ibrahim, BP 64, Chéraga 16014, Alger, Algérie


As part of the implementation of research projects with socio-economical impact, a ceremony for signing the financing and implementation agreements for these projects was organized at the CRTI on Thursday, November 09, 2017. This event was organized by the General Directorate of Research Scientific and Technological Development (DGRSDT) in coordination with the Direction of CRTI in the presence of Professor Tahar HADJAR, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. During this ceremony, more than 50 conventions were signed with researchers from different research centers, 18 of which concern CRTI projects. In his opening address, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research emphasized the importance of applied research in the socio-economic sector.


A delegation from the European Commission consisting of Ms Maria CRISTINA RUSSO, Director of International Cooperation and Ms LIVIA ESPOLAOR VERONESE responsible for international agreements, made a working visit to the CRTI on 12 July 2017. This delegation was accompanied by representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Directorate General of Scientific Research and Technological Development. This meeting allowed the two parties to discuss the possibilities of collaborations in the scientific and technical fields including the integration of CRTI’s research programs in the European ones.

Participation of the CRTI in the field of the environment

On the 1st of July 2017, the CRTI participated in a major event organized by Chain III of the Algerian radio station in TAMENFOUST Port EL MARSSA -Alger-. This program has planned an eco-citizen project thanks to the broadcast of a program called: "Les Éboueurs de la Mer".
This participation came following the request of Channel III manager for a partnership project where the CRTI would share its knowledge and expertise in the fields of Scientific Research and Technological Development via a drone carried out by researchers of the Technological platform of Bou-Ismail. This drone will assist in the demonstration and extension of maritime applications such as: surveillance of bathers in difficulty, detection of pollution, and alarm during the massive presence of jellyfish, etc.

The fifty-fifth (55th) anniversary of the founding of the Algerian police

Professor Mustapha Yahi, General Director of Research Center in Industrial Technologies, congratulates the General Director of National Security on the occasion of the fifty-fifth (55th) anniversary of the founding of the Algerian police.

The National Exhibition of Research Products

The National Exhibition of Research Products was inaugurated this May18th, 2017 by a ministerial delegation from Higher Education and Scientific Research, National Education, Post, Information and Communication Technologies and Culture ministry. This opportunity allowed the Ministerial Delegation to see the different Technological Products made and produced by Researchers, including those of the CRTI. During his presentation, the CRTI Director, Prof. Mostepha YAHI emphasized the Center's efforts to develop technological products of a high industrial impact and the subsidiary CSC-expertise’s contribution in supporting the industrial sector.

A working visit of a delegation from «General Electric Algeria" to the CRTI

A delegation from "General Electric Algeria Turbines" had made a working visit to the CRTI on May1th, 2017. it was composed of:
Mr. Ben Bey Nazim, Head of Human Resources,
Mr. Robert Mischelli, Head of Engineering,
M.Sebastien Riu Paulo, Quality Manager.
During this meeting, both sides presented their knowledge and fields of expertise in the industrial technologies sector. This meeting allowed the members of the delegation to know more about the competencies and the new techniques that researchers of the center are mastering. This allowed them to express their willingness to cooperate fully with CRTI and its subsidiary "CSC Expertise", particularly in the areas of welding, NDT and personnel training. This visit ended with the elaboration of a draft collaboration agreement to be signed between the two parties in the future

A working visit of a representative from the Belarusian National Academy of Science

As part of its openness to the outside world, the CRTI received a representative from the Belarusian National Academy of Science. This visit was an opportunity to discuss about common concern issues that could be the subject of future collaboration between the two institutions, particularly in the field of powder metallurgy.


JIL TECH highlights the most important research techniques and methods used in the Research Center in Industrial Technologies.       

Test of our last quadrotor in autopilot flight mode

Test of our last quadrotor in autopilot flight mode with a panoramic shot at 60 meters above the technological platform of CRTI located in Bousmail.      

A working visit of CRTI management delegation to the Thin Films Development and Application Unit

A delegation chaired by Dr. Mostepha YAHI, Director General of the center, conducted a working visit on Thursday, march, 9th, 2017 to the Thin Films Development and Application Unit UDCMA. This visit coincided with the scientific council meeting of the center, held within this unit. During the visit, the Director General of the center recalled center’s objectives for scientific and technological excellence and better management of socio-economic problems. This visit allowed the delegation to visit various structures of this unit.

The CRTI launches into a new challenge

The Research Center for Industrial Technologies is launching a new discipline, namely underwater welding:
a profession that will be developed within our research center and which first requires scuba diving knowledge and specialized welding technique.

The drone « AMEL 3 » flies successfully

The Research Center in Industrial Technologies (CRTI) performed successfully the flight tests on its third drone "AMEL 3" in November 2016. This 3m machine is a translation of the great efforts that were deployed by the engineers of the technological platform for mastering this technology. The project "AMEL 3" comes after the "AMEL 1" 4.80 m on which series of tests was carried out at the airport of SIDI BEL ABBAS in 2013 and the "AMEL 2" of 7m, which flied successfully in November 2015.

Le centre de recherche en technologies industrielles (et ses unités de recherche) recrutent par voie de concours sur titre, des chercheurs permanents et du personnel de soutien à la recherche, dans les grades et spécialités

National research exhibition. palace ofexhibitions Algiers, May 18th and 23th, 2017

Algeria is at a turning point in its economic strategy. This last is oriented towards emerging models closely linked to globalization and underpinned by research and development, business competitiveness and innovation.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is fully in line with this dynamism through promoting research’s products and encouraging innovative projects. This event will bring together some 500 exhibitors and scientific leaders at the SAFEX. This fair will be held under the theme of “food safety and well being of citizens”.
In order to succeed together in this important event, we appeal to all the national competences of the research world as well as the socio-economic and cultural sectors. Either you are researchers, students, managers, sponsors or even contractors; do not hesitate to contact us.
produits à exposer
Download submission forms It is within this framework that the National Research Exhibition will be organized on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge celebration “Youm El Ilm”. This event will bring together some 500 exhibitors and scientific leaders at the SAFEX. This fair will be held under the theme of “food safety and well being of citizens”.
In order to succeed together in this important event, we appeal to all the national competences of the research world as well as the socio-economic and cultural sectors. Either you are researchers, students, managers, sponsors or even contractors; do not hesitate to contact us.
produits à exposer

Ouverture des travaux de la conférence

La cérémonie d’ouverture de la 5 eme Conférence Internationale sur le Soudage, le CND et l’Industrie des Métaux et la 7 eme Conférence Africaine sur le CND s’est déroulée le 26 novembre 2016 en présence de personnalités scientifiques nationales et internationales et plus de 300 participants.
Apres l’allocution de Monsieur le Directeur Général du CRTI, le professeur Mostepha YAHI le professeur Hafid AOURAG, le Directeur Général de La Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique (DGRSDT), à déclaré l’ouverture officielle de cet évènement au nom de Monsieur le Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de recherche scientifique.
Le professeur Hafid AOURAG a par la suite a animé une conférence sur l’importance des nouvelles techniques de contrôle non destructif dans l’industrie national.
Le professeur Mike FARELY ancien directeur de ICNDT à ensuite animé une deuxième plénière sur

Travaux des sessions ic-wndt 16  et acndt

Les travaux des sessions orales on débuté l’après-midi du samedi 26 Novembre en simultané en présence de plus de 250 participants. Durant ces travaux, des conférences spécialisées en soudage, en CND et en technologies des matériaux ont été présentées par des experts nationaux et internationaux.

The Registration begining for the International 5th Conference on WNDT-MI'16:

The Registration for the International Conference on Welding Technologies, NDT and Metal Industry has began this afternoon. A large number of participants were on the scene since then.

The beginning of the 5th International Conference's works on Welding Technologies, NDT and Metals Industry will take place on Saturday, November 26th, 2016 in Oran.
Download :
Conferences program
Oral sessions program
Poster sessions program

Copyright 2020 © CRTI All Rights Reserved Research Center in Industrial Technologies - CRTI P.O.Box 64, Cheraga 16014 Algiers, Algeria www.crti.dz